Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Commonwealth bank of Australia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Commonwealth bank of Australia - Essay Example It is approximately one century since this giant financial institution was formed by the Australian government. However it is currently owned by private investors owing to the move by the Australian government to privatize the bank in 1996. Commonwealth Bank of Australia has continued to expand its operations in various regions through acquisitions, joint partnership and takeover. Commonwealth Bank steady performance in the industry is attributed to a wide range of strategies that include customer satisfaction, business banking, technology and operational excellence, profitable growth as well as trust and team spirit1. From the financial point of view it is evident that Commonwealth Bank has emerged strongly from a humble beginning to be a profitable banking institution in Australia. This clam can be justified by the fact that the Group’s net earnings after tax for the financial year ended 2011/12 hit $6,394 million which is 13% increase compared to the previous year. The Grou p recorded 18.4% and 411.2 cents on Return on equity and Earnings per share respectively. This was a 12% increase compared to prior financial year. The Group declared a final dividend of $ 1.88 per share which was an 11% increase compared to previous financial year2. ... re 10198 Home loans 335841 Construction 3199 Personal 17968 Asset financing 9584 Other commercial and industrial 106762 RATIO’s OF BANK EXAMPLE: RISK RATIO ANALYSIS FOR COMMONWEALTH BANK OF AUSTRALIA BANK OVER THE PERIOD 2010 TO 2010 Ratio Ratio formula Actual figures for Year †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦(previous year) ($M) Ratio answer for Year†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ (previous year) Actual figures for Year †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦( current year) ($M) Ratio answer for Year†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ (current year) Source of information in annual report Comments Interest margin Interest revenue – interest expenses Average earning assets 32,215 – 20,293 553,735 0.02 37,304 – 24,697 576,369 0.02 Income statement p98 and note 2 page 119. The interest margin remain staeble over the two financial period owing to effective risk management strategies Net margin (after Tax) Operating profit after tax Interest income + non-interest income 5,680 32, 215+ 7,366 0.14 6,410 37,304 + 6,790 0.15 Income statement p98 and note 2 p119 The increase in net margin is as a result of Loans, bills discounted and other receivables Asset utilization Interest income + non-interest income Assets 32, 215+ 7,366 646,330 0.06 37,304 + 6,790 667,899 0.07 Income statement p98 and balance sheet p100 The increase in asset utilization ration indicates that the groups management effectively utilized the groups assets . Return on assets Operating profit after tax Equity 5,680 35,570 0.16 6,410 37,287 0.17 Income statement p98 and balance sheet p100 The increase in the return on assets ratio is attributable to the significant increase in the groups long-term assets Leverage multiplier Assets Equity 646,330 35,570 18 667,899 37,287 17 Balance sheet p100 The reduction in the ratio indicates that the group has reduced the level of debt used to finance its capital structure

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Nursing Science in Research and Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Nursing Science in Research and Practice - Essay Example M., 2002). Evidence-based science is needed to be integrated into the nursing practice to meet the nursing roles of 21st century standards. By evidence-based practice, it is meant that these are proven ways to diagnose and treat patients based on rigorous evidence from contemporary science that may include not only theoretical perspectives, also practice perspectives. By practice perspectives, it is intended to mean studies that elucidate the clinical effectiveness of a particular practice. Authors have also defined it as application of best available empirical evidence that applies recent research findings to clinical practice so it may come into assistance of the clinical decision making of the nurse. To move into the 21st century, the nurses need to base their clinical practice on such empirical evidence to optimize outcomes of clients, to provide safe and accountable practice within the ethical realm, to ensure cost-effective practice on the face of resource constraints, and by these, to e nhance credibility of the profession (Litchfield, M., 1999). When the question of roles that nurses need to play to be able to efficiently do this arises, the answer is simple. They need to fill the gap between research findings and their implementation in their practice. In practice the academic structure for the basic nursing training should be oriented in such a manner that they can overcome the currently observed difficulty in synthesizing empirical and contextual evidence in order to integrate evidence-based changes into practice. Thus, their role should increasingly demonstrate skills and resourcefulness to appraise, synthesize, and implement best evidence into practice. This indicates an organized drift from the established knowledge and practice, and the nurses need to assume the dual role of a practitioner and a researcher. The science of nursing knowledge is a same scholarly investigative process that attempts to find out the factors that cause a change in the phenomenon. Thus, they should accept a practice activity that has been substantiated as predicting valid and reliable outcomes for their clients. This could only be done through establishment of a new body of knowledge confirmed by numerous research efforts and implementation of change in conventional practice based on that knowledge (Rogers, M. E., 1970). The integration of nursing practice should happen with strong rigorous empiric evidence, and such practice is always underpinned by nursing theory and science. The 21st Century nurses, thus would practice a systematic way of knowing that allows them to understand, predict, and explain the outcomes of their practice that is desired to help clients. It is important to note that now, the knowledge is being generated as a rapid pace, and they must adjust to this speed where they are able to understand and articulate clearly the theoretical bases of their discipline, both past and present. With a scholarship only, they can diagnose